Saturday, August 8, 2009

Warhawk Air Museum

This activity requires a bit of homework on your part and a babysitter for your youngest kids. For your homework:

1. Have your kids ask grandma and grandpa to tell them stories about what life was like during WWI. Now I know that WWII is before their time (at least most of them) but they will have stories from their parents. Read family journals if you have them. Search through family photo albums.

2. Have older kids research WWII online and have a family night where they can report their findings.
Now you are ready for the Warhawk Air Museum. Plan on a couple of hours. There are so many things to see. So many stories to read, such as the women who flew airplanes from the factories to the bases. There are items that the soldiers brought home. Then there is my favorite: a silk wedding dress made out of an unused Japanese parachute and the story that goes with it.
Listen to the music that was popular during that time.
Skip over the pin-up girls pictures (little or no clothing, not something your kids need to see).
Tell your kids what it meant to display blue or gold stars in the window.
Show them the books and toys kids their ages played with. Try out the telegraph machine.
Then there are the planes. Real planes. My 12 year old who loves anything and everything historical and military went nuts.
Warhawk Air Museum
201 Municipal Drive
Nampa, ID 83687
Telephone: (208) 465-6446
Admission Prices
General Admission : $8.00
Seniors: $6.00
Veterans/Military (with ID): $6.00
Kids 5 -12: $4.00

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